Tuesday, 23 September 2008

The First Question

Well actually it's not the first question, but it is the first answer that I've managed.
Q3 Reflect upon a significant experience or insight(not already mentioned) that has occured during your Foundation Training and explain how it affected your sense of call to the Order of Ministry for which you are a candidate (150 words approx)
I spent 30 hrs with Martin Batstone, at Lewes Prison, observing life as a prison chaplain. My time there finished at the Sunday services. At the main service a 23yr old former heroin addict, who had come to Christ on the Prison Alpha course, was baptised kneeling in a childs paddling pool.
This took place in front of 75 inmates, officers and supporters in a chapel designed to hold 50. He had invited every man on his wing to witness this event, with no fear of the ridicule he may suffer. Such was this young man's enthusiasm for his new found "freedom".
His witness hit me hard - would I have invited so many non-christian friends to my special event, have I lost the initial enthusiasm I felt when I became a Christian - the look on that young mans face said it all and I was not the only person with tears in their eyes.
To share in that event was a special moment - to have been able to baptise him would have been perfect.


I sat down to start to tackle the vast amount of paperwork associated with candidating. I have to admit that I got no further than the basic form - simple who are you and what have you done up till now and the health form.
There are several questions that have to be answered but as the shortest answered required is 150 words I think these will take some time.
I am meeting with my Superintendent on October the first, to discuss the whole process and so he can start the ball rolling for the report that the Circuit leadership team have to write
I have my first assessed service on October 5th, all Age Worship at the Broadway Eastbourne - it seems strange for someone to be checking my worship leading skills again.
My thanks to all of you who read this as part of your prayer support for this part of my life.
I also want to welcome Matthew Montgomery my new nephew born 6:23 am 17th September 8lb 1oz. Congratulations Simon, Siobhan and big brother Charlie x

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

FROG and the Area Meeting

Today I have to address the United area meeting and formally begin the process of candidating. Unfortunately my superintendent is unable to be there as his wife is very poorly, and this has done nothing to help my nerves.It has however made me realise that the only safety net I have is to "Faithfully Rely On God" for my support. On the plus side though David Dunn Wilson (my local preachers tutor) and Trisha Williams have agreed to be my nominators in Chris' abscence.Lots of my friends and family say that they have noticed a big change in me since I began this journey, and it is that change that I have to show the meeting tonight. It is just over two years since I stood at the same meeting and asked them to consider sending me for training, and tonight I have to prove that their faith was justified and that I have made the most of the opportunity they gave me. 
Well - thanks guys for all the prayer support that I know has been going on while I was out, tonight the Area Meeting voted unanimously in my favour so the first hurdle is over - on to the extensive paperwork will explain each one in more detail as I get to it.

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Goodbye to the Summer

Well September is here and the holidays are nearly over each of the children starts the next part of their education either this week or next. Joe will go back in year 5, Kate starts her first year at Secondary school, Hana enters her last and Ashleigh starts her Childcare and Education diploma. Next Tuesday I also go back to college but as I start the formal candidating process I somehow think that college may be the least of my worries.
Two people have advised me to take it one step at a time and so I am going to try really hard to do just that and not get too het up, but really try and enjoy the whole process.
So on Monday the 9th I have to speak at the Area meeting asking them to formally recommend me for candidating and then things will really have begun. The summer is indeed over and the hard work is about to begin but in 8 months time it will all be over and I will know one way or another