Today I decided to start my blog - It's something that I have had on my to do list for a long time, but other things have got in the way.
In April 2006 I started training as a Methodist Local Preacher, in January 2007, foundation training, which is a Methodist discernment process, September 2007 formal theological training, which was a battle in itself.
I am dyslexic and formal education held lots of memories, none of which were good, so much of my first year was blur of just trying to keep afloat.
Now I seem to be coping ok with that side of things, I thought I would set myself a new goal and try and journal my journey through the next year and the formal process of candidating as well as keeping up in college.
In the Methodist Church, Candidating is the shorthand term for offering for the ordained ministry. It is the process by which I and the church test my call.
This will begin in my circuit, before going to the district and then to a selection committee that represents the Connexional Church.
My first stage is to talk about my call at the Area Meeting in September, and ask them to send me forward. before that I have one more placement to finish, reflect upon and write a report on. Simple, however tomorrow my children break up from school so there is less time for things other than them.
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