Monday is my youngest's 10th Birthday and the day that everyone goes back to work college or school, so it will start a bit on the hectic side. Whilst they are all out I will try and finish the two pieces of work for college, unlikely to get them both done maybe I'll try for one completed (deadline for posting Friday!) and make a cake for Joe(deadline teatime!).
Tuesday I can then get the other college essay completed checked and printed and start to gather things together for Sunday's service(deadline Sunday morning! Except choosing hymns/readings deadline Wednesday).
Also on Tuesday I must spend some time printing and photocopying the right number of papers for the candidates meeting with Chris on Wednesday(deadline Wednesday).
Wednesday I have a meeting with my Superintendent Minister to cross the t's and dot the i's of the candidating paperwork, it shouldn't take very long but I have to travel to Haywards Heath and back. (Paperwork deadline for posting Saturday!)
Thursday has a space in the morning to attend the midweek communion at church so that the important doesn't get oushed aside by the urgent. In the evening I'm up to Westminster for my final evening at the Sanctuary before I start back at college next week. It really has been a great placement - I will miss you guys.
Friday is the sorting out day for anything still outstanding, including all that hasn't been done round the house during the week.
Saturday a trip to Felpham Methodist Church to see John accredited as a Local Preacher, a candidating requirement(five days before his deadline!)
Sunday I am leading an alternative service at Hailsham Methodist Church.
Monday I will sit and rest(Ha Ha).
So on top of the usual wife and mother stuff, some quiet time with God and maybe a cup of coffee with Janet to stop the clouds rolling in (please see previous post for explanation) That's all I have to fit in - Doesn't sound too bad when you say it quickly does it?
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