The Methodist Cohort met this weekend - a group designed to gather together the Part time students in our area who attend Anglican institutes to learn some just Methodist stuff and have a chance to discuss some of the joys and hardships of training as a minority group. It was really good to catch up with old friends, but very strange to be back at the Guy Chester Centre without the rest of my Foundation Training group - Methodist weekends are always less pressure than SEITE ones as there are no essays attached and there is as much emphasis put on socialising, talking, praying and walking alongside each other as on formal lessons. It seems a shame that we are only meeting twice a year, but it is nice that the Church have recognised some of the added pressures of training part time and funded something to help. We did do some work - some reflective practice and some Methodist history.
Today I led the evening service at Greenfield, only three more services (well two really and speak at Cafe Luke) to do before I go on placement in the Brighton and Hove circuit in March (can't wait!!)
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