I thought that I would have time during the holidays to write more frequently than I will once college starts again, but I don't seem to have much to spare. This is however a good thing, I have been able to spend some time with my children, including a day at Fort Fun with just the little two,and a very pleasant weekend away in London with my husband - It was a very Methodist weekend, on Saturday we went to Wesley's chapel and museum, Sunday to worship at Central Hall and Sunday lunch with good Methodist friends Adam and Andrew.(will miss Adam when he goes to Cambridege, but there was no need for Keith to tell him!) Also in the past week I have painted an eight foot wooden man to look like a Pirate ready for the holiday club at our church - run with St Luke's ( to which I now have a key!) will post a photo sometime - I have a pirate galleon to do this week (I think it's pennance for going on holiday during the week of the Holiday club!!) I have a service to produce for this weekend and the Lectionary reading is The Feeding Of the Five Thousand so off to get my thinking cap on.