I really believed that once the interview was over and there was nothing else I could do, that I would feel better. I had no idea that the waiting would be this painful. I have re-lived in extraordinary detail, every single moment of the interview. Especially the bits I don't feel like I did very well in. The weekend was quite a nice distraction, but my stress levels are reaching the peak of their limits. I have three more restless nights to go. The up side of all of this waiting, has been the chance to listen to the audiobook of Brian MacLaren's "New Kind of Christian" because I am unable to concentrate on anything else - like essay writing!! Tomorrow I am off to college and Wednesday I am speaking at the Women's Friendly Hour then the waiting will be over and the results will be out - next update then.
As this blog was set up to share my journey through candidating, it's job is over. In September I start the next stage of my journey and my training.
I think however that I will continue to write here, to track how things go during my ministerial training.
The Summons
Will you love the “you” you hide If I but call your name? Will you quell the fear inside And never be the same? Will you use the faith you’ve found To reshape the world around, Through my sight and touch and sound in you, and you in me?
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