Time to draw breath and catch up again, I am now three months into my placement at Dorset Gardens and am having a wonderful time, it is going so quickly and I will be sorry to say goodbye - I have met some very wonderful people, shared in the worship, fun and fellowship of the Church, I have led worship, played with the toddlers, had fun and made cards at art club, eaten tea at Cameo and drunk enough cups of tea to satisfy any Methodist Minister.
I have even met someone brave enough to take on the role of my Spiritual Director, we had our first meeting today which was great I feel much less guilty about things and I have been left with many things to reflect on this week.
The news of the bionic knee grows more complicated, I have had a third of the graft removed as it had become loose, it is now incredibly painful, I have to go back to see the specialist in July to assess the pain and see if it has settled down, if it has then they think I will be able to live with the smaller version of the graft if it is still this bad then they will harvest a new set of cells and grow and insert a new implant. So it could be a complicated final year at college - good job I'm such a pro on the crutches after 32 years of knee trouble - but hopefully they will fix it before I'm stationed.
The good news is that I only have 5 more pieces of work and one service to do before the end of term on June the 20th which is great because the last few months have been completely hectic and I could do with a few minutes to catch up with everyone