The paperwork is taking lots of my thought at the moment and so my blogging has been sparse, I have now finished two thirds of the nine parts of the form - only 3 more 150 word answers to go.
On Saturday I had a two hour tutorial with Hillary so he can complete the C4 which is the report from the training institution and I am much happier with that now than I was with the first
draft. My Superintendent has finished the Ctp1 and C3B form which are about what training I will require if I am accepted and what restrictions there will need to be on that training and stationing (there are at least four restrictions I can think of!!). So everything seems to be on track - I just need to finish the C2ft and the Circuit leadership team are working on the C3 which is their report on what I do and have done in the circuit and their reasons for supporting my candidating.
Now all these forms need to be sent off to arrive on the 15th of January however they don't all need to go to the same place and some of them need more than one copy (not always to the same place as the other copies!) So Chris and I are going to sit quietly on the first week of January to make sure every piece of paper has the right amount of copies and is sent to the correct place - after all we don't want to be turned down on a technicality now, do we?
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