I seem to spend my life trying to slow down and take things a bit easier and then I end up writing on here that it's been really busy and I've had no time to write. Since the day of the scan, it has been all go again as I try to finish another college assignment - the write up to my pastoral placement, before I start my next placement in March. Three months at Dorset Gardens Methodist Church in Brighton. I have three more services to take beforehand -
Tomorrow I am at Uckfield - talking about Jeremiah following his call, being chosen before he was born and how God wants us all to be more confident about our skills and gifts rather than saying - "I can't do that......." and offering a heap of excuses.
Someone once told me that we should start by preaching to ourselves and I think that tomorrow's sermon is one aimed as much at me as any member of the congregation.
I am at my own Church on Valentines Day and at Cafe Luke on Feb 19th with a talk called '25 things to do for Lent instead of giving up Chocolate"
Hopefully February will be a bit quieter that January - because I need to get some work done, and once the bathroom is all in next week, it will need decorating before the new flooring arrives.